Dangers of Processed Foods

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What’s considered a processed food?

There are various mechanical processing techniques used in the food industry, such as heating or pasteurization, that do not necessarily make the food unhealthy.

However, there is also a dark side to the food manufacturing process which involves using chemicals to produce ultra-processed foods.

Chemically processed foods will mainly contain refined ingredients, preservatives, and artificial substances with negligible or little nutritional value to your body’s needs and brain health. These ‘foods’ will have added chemical agents, flavorings, colors, and sweeteners that most of the time are carcinogenic.

You could call these ultra-processed foods “cosmetic foods” as the main goal for manufacturers is to make them look appealing to the eye, but not healthy nor nutritious.

What are the worst highly processed foods?

  • Breakfast cereals

  • Processed cheese products which are not the same as fresh, organic cheeses

  • Bread

  • Savory snacks such as crisps, pretzels, and crackers

  • Microwave meals

  • Frozen meals

  • Candy and ice cream

  • Instant noodles and soups

  • Reconstructed meats such as chicken nuggets and fish fingers

  • Soda and other sweetened drinks

Why are processed foods bad for you?

Unless fortified, most of the processed foods common to the western diet (and supermarket shelves) are high in calories and low in nutrients that the body requires. You can hardly find fiber, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in these products.

This study clearly shows that eating processed foods leads to the destruction of your gut microbiome which results in inflammation and causes many other health issues.

We know that gut health balance and wellbeing are crucial for the long-term maintenance of a healthy body.

Consuming processed foods can lead to eating more and more as your body will never become nutritionally satisfied. These foods will have high levels of added sugars (have you read my last blog on sugar?) and salt, as well as saturated fats and refined textures, to stimulate your brain to want more!

  • Say NO to added sugar

  • Say NO to artificial ingredients

  • Say NO to refined carbohydrates

  • Say NO to foods low in nutrients

What you need are real whole-foods providing essential nutrients such as antioxidants, plant-derived anti-inflammatory compounds, and natural anti-carcinogenic agents to strengthen your muscle, bones, joints and provide protection against aging inside and out, as well as boost your overall wellbeing.

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Justyna Kuls | No Faff Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert & Web Designer. Helping small businesses grow online without breaking the bank. 


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