What is The Law of Attraction and How Does it Work
What is the law of attraction? Simply put, it means that you can attract into your life whatever you think about.
For some, it may be not easy to accept. We’re conditioned to blame external factors for anything wrong that happens to us or our loved ones. However, when we understand that the law of attraction can help us take charge of our mind and regain control over our lives, we begin to free ourselves from the vicious cycle of anxiety, negativity and fear of the unknown that has been holding us back from unlocking the full potential.
“What you think, you become”
- Buddha
The transfer of energy from our mind is shaped in the form of a single thought, which leads to emotions. These emotions then create the actions and words. The relationship that we have with our thoughts is our inner self - which is basically your consciousness and intuition, and this is portrayed outwardly.
Deep Down Inside, You Know
When actions or words don’t resonate with your higher self, the vibration you’re in weakens. This is why you may often feel overwhelmed or anxious about a situation or a relationship. You are not allowing your higher self to help you.
You have to look at and acknowledge a challenge, no matter what life throws at you. Once you move through it rather than around it, the law of correspondence kicks in and allows you to logically understand the nature of things by finding analogies within yourself and the world around you.
Stay strong during challenging times
Transform the negative energy by working through it and apply the opposite energy. It is like a mirror. When you are experiencing something negative, it is only showing because there is disharmony in your inner self, and your outer self reflects that back at you.
Life is a cycle of lessons that will always return to the sender to revisit and relearn if you have not taken the right path. That is why temporary fixes don’t work. Sustainable growth and a permanent lifestyle change come from the inner self that’s not afraid to ask questions—one who is accepting and accessing guidance and healing.
A higher self that creates quietness by not being afraid to take a step back, turn off the external noise and take time to hear the internal dialogue.
Take Charge of your life
It is so important to take full responsibility for your personal self and recognise who you actually are. Life is happening for you, not to you, and the law of attraction can leverage your personal strengths by helping you invite positivity into your life.