Can Materialistic People Be Truly Happy?

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Do you find yourself constantly craving something else once you have what you thought you wanted?

Do you find yourself unsatisfied underneath the superficiality of what you have?

Do you find yourself comparing your life with someone else’s, a friend or a family member?

Materialism ruins people’s relationships, drives up anxiety levels and makes you think negatively about yourself. Materialistic people are more likely to feel inadequate and less satisfied with life.

When you hold materialistic beliefs, you value possessions as your only definition of success & happiness instead of yourself. As a result, you are generating pain and unpleasant emotions, and actually, you experience less satisfaction with your life as you are always chasing something outside of yourself.

Do you feel hard done by or think that others are just lucky or born with a silver spoon in their mouth?

Is the drive for material success overshadowing other elements of your life?

Materialism hurts your mental health because of the overconsumption of material goods.

Many physical and mental health issues are generated from the fact that you think you cannot be happy until you have a perfect life, ideal home, expensive wardrobe and a picturesque lifestyle. 

True happiness is generated from living in the moment, in the HERE and NOW, and none of the possession will allow you to achieve that inner peace and self-love.

Being rich, having things does not make you happy. YOU make yourself satisfied.

What you don’t want to is enter a rat race to generate wealth but then find no satisfaction in any other areas of your life such as family, friends, health and spirituality - the core of who you are.

You want to work hard for the money to have a better life, and I applaud you but think about what actually gives you satisfaction overall.

It is more likely to be something that connects you to yourself, such as love, your friendships, family, health and wellness. All these things are what gives you happiness from within, and they’re priceless.

Anything else is a great bonus!


Justyna Kuls | No Faff Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert & Web Designer. Helping small businesses grow online without breaking the bank. 


How To Be Happy In Life: 3 Things You Should Change For True Happiness