How To Be Happy In Life: 3 Things You Should Change For True Happiness

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How to be happy in life is one of those questions people have been asking themselves forever.

But genuine happiness is not ready-made; you create it.  How?

It will not happen overnight, but you can start creating a haven of happiness for yourself by changing these three things:


Happiness is the product of your habits and your outlook on life. Therefore, it will mean different things to people. However, it does not exist in a vacuum. This is why you must seek happiness by improving your lifestyle holistically - from a better diet to genuine, lasting relationships, movement, mindfulness and self-development.

Living healthy is a preference, and your attitude and habits matter, so pay attention to what you’re doing daily to create a lifetime of wellness that will inevitably translate into happiness.


When you eat natural, real whole foods and move regularly, you create new pathways that promote wellbeing, such as endorphins that make you feel happy.

Be kind to yourself about how you explore exercise and listen to your body. As long as you exercise with care and respect for yourself, you will maintain physical health beyond your years. Set healthy boundaries. Don’t overdo it. Exercise consciously and stretch. Sleep well and drink plenty of water.


TRUE happiness is about enjoying the present moment without anxious dependence upon the future or clinging to the past. Satisfaction is always there - it’s up to you to seek it out through making changes and letting go of whatever anchors you down.

Sometimes being sick or unhappy is easier for people. They focus on discussing their conditions to get attention. They thrive on negativity. Psychological behaviour will overrule physical health as the mind is habitual and, therefore, more comfortable being stuck and talking about disease or illness rather than improving. So often, people don’t want to change their habits because it means leaving their comfort zone and trying something new, different, unknown.

Anxiety is born out of the need to control the future. Holding on more tightly to what must happen in the future prevents or changes the timeline for what wants to show up for you right now. Appreciation for the here and now is what you need to shift your mindset to.

Feed your mind and your body with stillness. It is how to find out who you are in this moment, notice how you have grown, how you have overcome obstacles and personal challenges.

Stillness can feel uncomfortable because there is no noise to drown out any feelings. Constant noise we’re living in right now (online platforms, emails, notifications, TV programs…) stops you from being able to acknowledge your mistakes and often also achievements.

Yet, it’s so powerful to be still and to acknowledge what feels uncomfortable.  Once you recognize it, that thing loses power over you, so take some time off, be still and let go of what’s weighing you down.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Mahatma Gandhi

Happiness is a genuine feeling of contentment that is not dependant on material things. It is something you create for yourself and transfer to others.

Be with genuine people. Hold on to your values. Push yourself to improve, not others. They should be inspired, not forced to make changes.



Justyna Kuls | No Faff Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert & Web Designer. Helping small businesses grow online without breaking the bank. 


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