Food Cravings and Their Emotional Triggers
Today I wanted to talk about food cravings.
When you feel that familiar little hunger that makes you reach out for a quick snack, think about the reasons behind your actions.
Analyse the potential feelings that you are likely to encounter if you make a food choice based on being emotionally charged.
Think about the likely mood after you've made that choice. If it is something that leaves you more agitated, upset and distressed then it’s not a choice for your higher self.
Take it easy and learn about yourself. If you know your triggers then you have the power to change the outcome.
Are you truly nourished every day, not just on some days?
Every single day counts especially at the weekend.
Why is the weekend turning into a period of weakness?
What’s the difference between Saturday and Sunday as opposed to Monday through Friday?
I will tell you: NONE!
If you wish to have something, have it on another day and make it the best choice decision of the week.
Sometimes you'll wallow in yourself: "why me? why do I do it?" In times like this, you need to be firm with your commitment to change.
Be honest with yourself and what you do wrong. This is not about perfection but it is about consistency and the weekend counts too.
Things to ask yourself and think about when cravings occur:
Am I emotionally hungry?
Am I physically hungry?
Am I exhausted?
Am I overexercising?
Am I thirsty?
Am I overthinking this?
Am I in tune with my feelings?
Am I distracted?
Am I eating consciously?
Am I eating slowly?
Am I listening to my hunger and satiety cues?
Am I satisfied with life?
Am I using food as a means of expression?
Are any childhood habits created still with me?
Besides weight, what are my long-term health & wellness benefits?
Remember, you’re stronger than your emotional cravings.
YOU CAN STOP this vicious cycle.
Self-discipline + self-awareness + self-care = wellbeing!