Life Often Hands Us Surprises
Life never fails to surprise us and we can never fail to surprise ourselves.
We often feel that we need to be in control because it gives us command over our lives and yet, in the background of our life are other things at play. Karma, conscious vs. unconscious thoughts, and free will.
Just when you think that you have it all figured out, life has other ideas and throws in lots of surprises when you least expect it. It is then up to you how do you choose to respond to these obstacles.
Surprise comes from defying expectations.
Seth Godin
I was, and still am at times, more comfortable with knowing everything ahead of time but with time I realized the more I thought I needed to know about what was going to happen, the more anxiety I had.
Whilst the comfortable feeling of being fully aware of what lies ahead of me is good, it would often also leave me exasperated and I have noticed that it’s actually good not to be tied to the outcome.
Keeping an open mind by leaving space for something better and unexpected that could be unfolding in the background, has helped my mind to relax and acknowledge the things I previously wasn’t able to see.
Hardships and obstacles for me, and probably for you as well, happen when an expectation of the outcome is rigid. I find the more I resist change or a detour, the more resistance I have.
Learning to detach “myself” from the outcome has helped me realize that it does not mean I don’t care - it means I am giving it space to happen or for something else to unfold.
It takes courage to let life surprise us and the biggest lesson of all is learning what it takes to handle the surprises or derailment in the least stressful way.
Being open to unexpected twists and turns can be ridiculously scary, but it’s a very important part of life we don’t often process or talk about to try and understand how to cope with it.
Life is and will always be full of surprises - learn from them and take them in as they come.
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