Food: Quality Over Quantity
Convenient or seasonal fad diets rarely last. Low fat and low-calorie diet trends don’t solve the problem and actually make matters much worse.
When the body is faced with calorie deprivation it switches into starvation mode and fights back. Hunger and food cravings soar, and the metabolism slows down in order to protect itself.
This is the recipe for weight gain in the long term and disordered eating habits and nutrition.
Let Your Body Do Its Work
A more efficient way to approach is to reset your fat cells and metabolism by eating foods to lower insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation in the body. When you do this, your body calms down and starts to release the excess energy and more importantly starts to work efficiently.
It happens because it can now enjoy better access to fuel whilst having an improved metabolism regulation mechanism. Hunger and cravings subside and, as a by-product, weight loss occurs naturally.
It’s called ‘eating without deprivation’ so simply put, eating the major nutrients your body needs such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber. Your body requires a balanced and regular intake of the above macros for long term sustainable successful body weight and wellness.
Do Not Do It - Become It
When you get into the habit of excellence, it will become a huge part of who you are. What I mean is this: as long as the lifestyle you're trying to obtain is separate from you, like a juice detox delivered for 7 days or a slimming club program that you do until you lose 20 pounds, it will not last because it is separate from you.
My method goes beyond something you are doing for the moment. The holistic approach to wellness that I'm offering is learning to develop good habits in the real world.
It's what you do with consistency and regardless of what others are doing. Approach the changes with a new step, not a diet mentality. Remember that you are embarking on a journey to introduce permanent lifestyle changes, whilst locking the trend diets and fads forever behind closed doors.
Wellness Has No Expiry Date
Diets have a start and end date, and because everything that you do for a limited period of time is separate from you, it will eventually end. Think beyond the date of transformation.
The necessity of turning your health plan into a lifestyle change means that it's not based on failure and fear. It’s a permanent improvement that prevents you from putting all the weight back on again, or from slipping into bad habits.
What you are doing consistently will deliver much better results since it is intended to recalibrate your current habits to create new and better ones that do not have an expiry date.
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