Is a Raw Food Diet Good For You? Pros and Cons
Our bodies produce their own digestive enzymes, but did you know that we can also ingest raw food enzymes to help us absorb all the nutrients?
All the processing of natural ingredients and cooking of food is destroying some of the essential enzymes. This means we use up what we have naturally produced, and for some of us, this can reduce our energy supplies.
Eating and drinking vegetables or fruits in a raw form is a brilliant way to achieve your 7 a day. Be it a smoothie, raw juice, or a salad - anything that has not been processed, refined, or heated above 48C.
There are some great benefits of introducing raw foods into our diets - from increased energy levels to clear skin, stronger hair, and mental clarity.
I experienced it at the Wild View Retreat - my energy levels went through the roof, I gained a clearer mind from eating more raw vegetables and drinking fruit juices, I thoroughly enjoyed the hikes and yoga workshops!
But, is a raw food diet good for YOU?
You should be aware that there are some challenges when it comes to raw food diet so make sure you’re getting enough protein and vitamins such as B12 which is essential for our energy source, as well as iron, and minerals.
CONS of eating raw foods
You may find yourself experience more bloating and gas as cooking vegetables helps break them down, so they are easier on your digestive system.
You may overdo the fats in overcompensating for satiety - just because something is healthy such as nuts, does not mean it can be eaten in abundance.
Fat is not the only potentially problematic macronutrient when you are eating raw. Getting enough protein can be hard if you don’t plan. Nuts, seeds, and veggies have proteins, but you want to include beans, peas, lentils, tofu or tempeh, raw fish, sashimi, and some dairy products if you can tolerate it.
Whist heating vegetables and fruits can affect heat-sensitive nutrients like Vitamin C, certain foods can actually benefit from cooking. For example, tomatoes and carrots - by taking them through a gentle cooking process, we can make it easier for our bodies to reap all the benefits of the antioxidants they provide.
Eating cooked food can actually make the job of our digestive system easier. Still, there is no scientific evidence that cooking will place a greater demand on our body’s enzyme resources. We produce enzymes we require to digest food and reabsorb and secrete those enzymes.
There’s another benefit of eating cooked foods, especially starchy vegetables. Heat breaks down their cell walls making digestion more comfortable and easier. Proteins and starches benefit from cooking, making it easier for our bodies to manage and utilize all the nutrients.
PROS of eating raw foods
Typically this is a low sodium diet and free from added sugars
Superb powerhouse and consistently high in fibre
Besides potentially helping you maintain or lose weight, eating a raw food diet is excellent for your skin.
It also lowers your risk of developing many illnesses
I do think it is very much a personal decision. If you are a complete beginner, I recommend trying a week at a guided retreat where you will be taking in enough daily nutrients, and you will adjust to raw foods slowly, under supervision.
Wild View Retreat offers a simplistic approach to juice fasting in a knowledgeable, calm and nurturing environment. Included are also nutrition talks as well as yoga, fitness, and guided walks. If that is out of reach, use a raw juice or raw foods company that will send you a weeks’ worth of juices or raw meals to try.
It is very important to start gently - think about what you want to gain long-term and how you will you be able to manage this lifestyle yourself, or whether it is something you’s like to try seasonally.
Know that research shows that both raw and cooked foods have health benefits, and ideally, your choice is based on what makes you feel better.
Raw food ingredients to try:
Raw fruits and raw vegetables
Dried fruits and vegetables
Fresh vegetables and fruit juices
Soaked or sprouted beans, other legumes, and grains
Raw seeds and raw nuts
Raw nut butter
Raw nut milk
Another refreshing smoothie recipe created using raw green ingredients.
Tag me in your post or story if you’ll decide to give it a go!