Work-Life Balance: 10 Tips to Stay Productive and Boost Wellness

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With Lockdown 2.0 many of us are back to the WFH routine. It's not easy to find that work-life balance when you're using the same space for office purposes and to relax.

Read these 10 tips on how to stay productive and boost wellness when working from home:

1. Set up a daily schedule and stick to it.

2. Organise your workload to start with the tasks you usually leave to last. It will help change up your productivity and keep your mind positive.

3. Eat a healthy lunch but don’t get too distracted - concentrate on your meal. Time away to nourish is productive for you. Stay away from unhealthy snacks eat mindfully to be fully productive. Put all your daily meals in the planner. This helps you pay attention to what you are eating.

4. Keep your space clean and tidy to avoid distractions. It usually makes you feel happier too.

5. Create a reward system for yourself but not to do with food. Take a walk, have herbal tea, or a salt bath. Read a book that elevates your mind! When you hit all your goals reward yourself with something you wanted.

6. Discover your highly productive periods - we all have them. Pay attention to how you feel during the day - when do you stay focused? At what time of the day do you find it easier to perform your tasks? Workaround those times that suit your productivity. It really helps.

7. Create a vision board. In order to stick to something and stay motivated, you need a clear PURPOSE for doing it. When you understand your “why”, it enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risks and push forward regardless of the obstacles. So, keep a notepad by your desk or a memo board to your see everything at the start of the day to remind you of the WHY.

8. Create a to-do list to prioritize activities deadlines and timelines. Start the prep night before so nothing is left the following morning think you just have to do.

9. Exercise and stretch regularly - both go together like salt and pepper. Exercise and stretch are imperative for your body's health and energy. Both release the healthy endorphins we need since they improve the mood and this in turn has a positive impact on your level of motivation and self-esteem.

10. Work on your relationships to communicate clearly and remember the communication is also very much about listing to not what’s said and listening to others to respond to understand as much as we want to give input.


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Justyna Kuls | No Faff Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert & Web Designer. Helping small businesses grow online without breaking the bank. 


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