Do Not Let The Scale Define You
It’s so tempting to be defined by a number when there are so many other factors to consider.
When you are on a weight loss journey the number on the scale can be important to monitor progress HOWEVER IT SHOULD NEVER BE THE ONLY FACTOR when measuring your success.
Know that non-scale victories are super important to recognize and celebrate. So, don’t stress about the number fluctuations and enjoy the journey!
Some facts:
Muscle weight is heavier than fat as it is a solid form fat is a liquid form.
Bloating is perfectly normal.
Your water intake can affect your weight and metabolism.
Your monthly cycle can affect your weight and shape.
Your cardiovascular health IS NOT measured in weight.
It’s time to change the approach to weight loss.
A non-scale victory can be objective or subjective, which means they can involve other numbers as in measurable. It can be the shape of your new frame. It can be something you see or something you feel. It could be a change in your mindset to a more positive outlook on life. It could be the rise in endorphins, stronger willpower or better meal planning.
Some examples of non-scale victories include:
Clothes fit better and are looser.
Your back and bra size has changed. You have less back fat!
Toned arms.
Extra energy.
Less sugar cravings.
Relieved chronic pain.
Waking up refreshed, not exhausted and groggy.
Shiny hair, clear skin.
Feeling more relaxed, confident in yourself and mentally stable.
Becoming stronger and fitter, with a better body posture.
Let’s be frank about this - you’re hardly going to walk up to someone and ask them their body weight unless you are a professional; you’re more likely to say: “you look fit, well and healthy” or “I love your strength and muscle definition”.
So, lots of reasons to focus on the whole story and your overall wellness, not one tiny thing such as the number on the scale. Don’t get too hung up about it, keep going!