Sleep Is Where The Magic Happens

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Sleep is where the magic happens.

It’s your body’s time and opportunity to regenerate, recharge and replenish.

It’s when everything you did during the day gets processed mentally, emotionally, and physically.

A good night’s sleep and routine have the power to nourish your cells and transform your mind and body. If you are exercising well and nurturing your body then you tend to sleep better.

However, if you are not having a good night’s sleep, you may need to reset and focus on the foods you eat, the exercise you take and the thoughts you think. Eating a plant-rich diet really helps.

Try including turkey, brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds in your diet, and increase water intake – if your body is dehydrated, you will experience more muscle cramps.

A good night’s sleep will enhance your mind and body wellness massively.

Sleep is when the body can do its physical restoration and when we actually burn fat and metabolize everything which in turn makes us happy, healthy, and stronger.

Sleep is one of the pillars of health alongside nutrition, exercise, and mindset so it is crucial that you create a bedtime ritual that works for you.

Here are some simple suggestions to help you get a good night’s rest:

  • Turn off your TV, computer, and mobile devices at least an hour before going to bed as the light interferes with melatonin production.

  • Eat a plant-rich meal and once you have finished eating, do your very best not to snack.

  • Limit alcohol consumption.

  • Take a magnesium salt bath or add some lavender oil - whatever it is that you love to help you unwind.

  • Write anything down that is bothering you before you go to sleep so it’s off your mind and on paper.

  • If you are exercising in the evening, try to make it more about winding down and not up! Skip HIIT at this time of the day and do restorative exercises such as yoga or stretching, so that you are not raising cortisol levels and overstimulating the body.

  • Try to remain relaxed before bedtime, but bear in mind - this is not the same as sleepy or lazy.

  • Stress stops sleep. Write a gratitude list.

We actually become stronger, fitter, and leaner not when we train, but when we are relaxed and whilst we are asleep.

If this means having a lie in or taking a whole weekend out to rest, then do so, because we tend to emphasize the importance of being busy, training, moving when actually our body should have enough time to rest and when it wants to, we are not listening.

Let this be your mantra: having a rest is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Justyna Kuls | No Faff Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert & Web Designer. Helping small businesses grow online without breaking the bank. 


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