My Take On The Clean Eating Craze

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Have you noticed that the “clean eating” trend has reached new levels of popularity?

As a certified nutritionist, I fully support eating as close to nature as possible, using vegetables that are in season, choosing real whole foods, or minimally processed products only when necessary.

You should always check the labels and sources of your food to understand where it is coming from.

This said I’d like you to be cautious about the food trends.

They come and go, and most of the time they’re just a vehicle that today’s gigantic food industry has created to establish an elitist model of eating well that drives up the food prices and promotes the idea that the label ‘clean food’ means ‘healthy’, which is not always the case.

Remember, use Instagram or any other social media platform as a point of reference, as a source of inspiration - not a guidebook for healthy eating.

Keep positive and don’t feel bad about not using all of the trendy ingredients promoted by popular brands. I want you to instill healthy goals and remember that one style of eating that works for one person does not mean it’s universally applicable to everyone else.

“Clean DIET” does not mean “healthy”

Think about the label transparency, not the ‘clean food’ branding. Is the snack bar marked as ‘clean’ but loaded with sugar really that healthy or just pretending to be the good thing?

Opt-in for really dense foods at all times and reduce the snacking habit. Eat food that is not marketed with claims for purposes such as quick weight. What you need is real foods for real health and that’s it.

A balanced, plant-based way of eating is most often the best and most helpful way to start and help your nutrition fall into a good place. The goal could be adding more of the foods you love to make your plate more nutritious, filling, and delicious. It could be a good cookbook that improves your nutrition. It could be just drinking more water and herbal tea.

Focus on whole foods as well as fresh produce and quality proteins, and remember that some ‘clean’ foods and drinks can contain much more sugar than your average whole foods. Sushi, for example, is delicious but the white rice rolls in your favorite high street takeaway are made with sugar which is why they taste so sweet!

Forget Clean Food cheat days

‘Clean desserts’, ‘Clean Snacks’… Yes, the trend is huge!

But just because it’s popular, it does not mean that it works for everyone. Indulging is part of life, but remember - foods that taste great don’t always make you feel great. These are the foods you eat sometimes, not binging, not always, and not never.

The simplicity of eating well is something you have to establish for yourself. You decide what foods you want and which foods you absolutely need. Consider lifestyle changes that work into your family, work schedule, single lifestyle, or health goals. Once you establish that, the rest is refreshingly simple.

Remember, as long as you are making a conscientious effort then you are there! You just have to start to continue and once you see the first positive changes, you will not want to stop and no hashtag is going to throw you off your path to wellness.



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Justyna Kuls | No Faff Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert & Web Designer. Helping small businesses grow online without breaking the bank. 


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