Wellness: What Is It And Why It Is Important

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The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

To understand the importance of wellness, we must realize that it’s closely connected to health.

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life.

The term “wellness” is still quite vague and different people have their own ideas and perception of what it should be, or what it is.

Wellness is the experience of living life with high levels of awareness, conscious choice, self-acceptance interconnectedness, love, meaning, and purpose.

“Wellness is the individuals life journey and applying it to mind body and spirit and with our interconnections with other people and our environment.”

Dr Michael Arloski

It is also a positive approach that implies the application of knowledge and information as facts alone do not lead to a good life.

Wellness is a choice, a way of life, a process, and most importantly, an effective channel of energy and integration of the mind, body & spirit - a loving capacity of self.

What wellness means to me?

Wellness means planting the seeds and watering them not just watching them grow. If we want anything to mature or grow, we need to feed it with nutrients, water it and speak to it with kindness.

Don’t mistake kindness for weakness - they are not the same things.

If you’re working on achieving a state of wellness you should begin with including this key ingredient into your life’s routine.

how kindness affects your wellness

  • Kindness is saying NO to someone who drains your energy.

  • Kindness is not only saying you will but doing, taking action.

  • Kindness is being mindful and caring, not just on the surface.

  • Kindness is not comparing yourself to others - you can’t love yourself if you’re not living authentically.

  • Kindness is being able to realize one’s own faults and selfish behavior, and working on these flaws.

  • Kindness is admitting you’re not always right. Those who never give in, never give the relationship a chance to grow and change.

  • Kindness is being humble enough to know that you made mistakes and learn from them.

  • Kindness is knowing when to end something with grace because a situation does not deserve any more of your time.

  • Kindness is planting seeds knowing when to water them and feed them nutrients. Kindness is also knowing when to prune back the weeds so that fresh sprouts can grow.

Will you allow yourself to grow through kindness to unlock the next level of wellness?

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Justyna Kuls | No Faff Marketing

Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert & Web Designer. Helping small businesses grow online without breaking the bank. 


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